Ireland’s storied stout is thought to be balanced by this dry, crisp, lightly fruity, versatile and powerful strain. A good fermenter with reliable, average flocculation (some diacetyl poss.). Hint of fruit at the lowest recommended temps. increases in complexity at higher temps. (64°F+/18°C+). Successful in dark and high gravity beers. Sláinte!
Flocculation: Medium
Attenuation: 69-75%
Temperature range: 62-72° F (17-22° C)
Alcohol tolerance: 12%
Certain strains may contain up to 500 billion cells, some contain roughly 150 billion. Most importantly, Omega Yeast Labs packages their yeast with the appropriate amount of yeast to adequately ferment 5 gallons of wort at 1.060 specific gravity.
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