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BTF Iodophor, 4oz

BTF® Iodophor is an odorless and tasteless sanitizer that’s safe to use on all your brewing and winemaking equipment: kettles, pails, tanks, vats, bottles and more. The low-foaming formula is superior to other brands of Iodophor for brewing. It’s gentle on hands, requires no rinsing, and leaves no residual taste or odor.


BTF Iodophor, 4oz

SKU 800042 Category


Add Iodophor to cool or lukewarm water. Never use hot water.
For 12.5ppm titratable iodine add 0.25oz per 2.5gl water
For 25ppm titratable iodine add 0.5oz per 2.5gl water
Immerse items for 2 minutes and allow to air dry. Never towel dry.


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